Animal Pics

At Turkey Hill, we are surrounded in every direction by nature. Year-round we have many visitors, including deer, elk, a large variety of birds, fish in the lake, snakes, lizards, lots of insects and turkeys – our namesake!

The turkeys visit our side of the hill year round. In the Winter, it is all hens, the toms show up in Spring and then the hens leave. They pop in and out in through summer and fall, hens and toms rarely hanging out together. Other than mating season, which is a spectacle with the toms wobblers going from bright red to white to neon glowing orange. We have a front-row seat at Turkey Hill.

We have animals who live with us too. They inspire all who visit, including two rescue donkeys named Coco and Ernie. They hang out in the barn and paddock together like a grumpy old couple. Braying for attention, they are hard to resist. We have two bearded dragons named Churro and Pumpkin, who like greens and sunlamps. Our latest rescue dog is named Otis. He is growing into his part Irish Wolf Hound part Great Pyrenese paws.